Dominic Reinwand
Location: Pittsville, Wisconsin
Birthday: 14 July, 1963
Bio: Hi, my name is Dominic Leon Reinwand and am a proud, lifelong resident of Wisconsin. My family are the upmost important part of my life in which my parents are still happily married for many years and I also have 5 wonderful brothers and also 2 great sisters. I decided to run for Governor for numerous reasons such as job creation, health reform (reveiw) and budget crises that face Wisconsin and most importantly we as hardworking taxpayers. For the last few years, we all witnessed a huge drop in our workforce by nearly 40%. Homes of many Wisconsin and throughout the nation were and still being foreclosed on. Federal Government went the wrong direction on the new health care reform. A huge tax waist on idiotic performances such as the greenhouse effect studies in copenhagen. If elected as your Governor, I will work hard to bring Wisconsin back to the yesteryears, more job creation through my sure to work plans of creating new jobs and getting the ones we had to come back. Other plans on health reveiw is to lower the cost completely, thus saving millions that in return will be used for health insurance and let you as the taxpayers choose the health plan. Lowering property taxes and increasing your paychecks by taking out less taxes is an important part of my plans too, which crushing the huge debt that Wisconsin has, along with cutting or downsizing the Government. With my infrastructure, we will lead this nation in the right direction. Lets all go down this one way road together the right way for a change. Building the freedom you deserve. I have experienced alot in my days from all kinds of factories to construction to stores and custodian and yes, of course being on the unemployement line. So you are not alon, thats why I have experienced alot like most of you, which it is easier for me to relate too.
Interests: In my earlier days I was President of the RIF Program, I also was a volunteer for NOAA to keep you safe from severe weather, I had done lots of volunteer work for numerous organizations and clubs, I love bowling, Golfing, Hiking, Traveling, Biking, Camping, Swimming.
Blog Created: Monday, 29 March 2010
Last Updated: Tuesday, 18 March 2025 - 4:37 PM CDT
Blog Entries: 0